Life Church Bollington
Committed to helping people trust and follow Jesus, live like Jesus and fulfil Jesus mission.
Welcome to Life Church Bollington
Thank you for visiting our website! Life Church is a community of believers (a church) passionate about helping people from many varied starting points in their spiritual journey. Whether you are unsure about God at all, new to the reality of God or already further down the line of following Jesus, our aim is to help you in your steps towards personally living a life of peace, joy, hope and purpose made possible through Jesus.
Don’t feel you have to be “good enough” or “religious” to connect with us. We have a saying “no perfect people allowed” , so please feel welcome to browse through the site and find out more, or join us for one of our events or meetings. We have three goals, to help one another trust and follow Jesus, live like Jesus and become committed to the work of Jesus.
Where we are
Get in touch
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Find us
Hawthorn Road,
Cheshire. SK10 5JN
Phone: 01625 578100
Email us:
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Meetings & Gatherings
Our various meetings and events have one of our three goals as their focus. Discover, trust and follow Jesus. Learn how to live like Jesus and start fulfilling the mission of Jesus. So, whether you are just looking and are not really sure about God, or you are looking to develop your Christian journey to a deeper more fruitful one, check out our meeting and learning schedules.
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Life Church on Facebook
Who is Jesus?A prophet with a new teaching?A healer to the sick?A saviour to a lost world?Jesus claimed each of these, but most importantly he claimed to be
Is truth something we get to determine and define for ourselves? ======Martyn Iles is an Australian lawyer, commentator, and preacher living in the US. He is...CHURCH BLOG
Latest news & updates
So what’s is all about
At Life Church we are here to help with the big issues and spiritual questions people may have. In May this year we will be running a 7 week short introduction to explore Christianity. Maybe you have a real interest but don't know where to start. We are here to help...
Looking for direction?
What do you see? Often we are looking for answers and need to see clearly a way ahead. One of the most important things at a time of guidance is light. Seeing is always better with the light on. In life we can wrestle with purpose and meaning, answers and he reason...
Is there any Light in the darkness
Winter, especially as we approach the shortest day, is a season of darkness. The grey skies and cold temperatures aren't conducive to life and joy. You may also feel that the current outlook on life in general reflects this bleak outlook. In many ways the account of...
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Frequently Asked Questions
What days are you services held?
We typically hold a Sunday morning meeting 11:00am through till 12:30pm
Do you hold social events?
We have a social event on a Monday morning each week, this takes the form of a coffee morning and is an ideal time to meet people and develop friendships. We do have other social events, so keep your eye on our calendar.
Do you have social media?
We have a Face Book page and a YouTube Channel as well as an Instagram account. Links to these are on the website or for the YouTube channel , there are links in live events on the calendar.
Do I need to join the church to attend?
You do not need to be a member of the church to attend a service or watch a live streamed event on our channel.
What can I expect if I come to a service or meeting?
Firstly, you'll be warmly welcomed and made to feel comfortable. We are informal and casual in our approach and therefore we really don't have a dress code", so please feel at ease to where whatever you feel good in! At Life Church we say "No perfect people allowed", so don't think you need to be "good enough" or "religious" to come along. We recognise that each person has their own story and we are all a "work in progress" with regard to our spiritual development. It would be great to see you, so come down, relax and meet some great people.