
Life Church Bollington

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2 weeks ago

Life Church
At Life Church the words in the Psalm are an echo of our journey towards the listening ear and grace of a loving God. We've found the biggest hurdle in our lives is pride, but once we admit our personal sin and cry out to Him, He listens and responds.Psalm 66[16] Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me. [17] For I cried out to him for help, praising him as I spoke. [18] If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. [19] But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. [20] Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Life Church
Oh, the joys of those who are kind to the poor! ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Life Church
What do you see? Often we are looking for answers and need to see clearly a way ahead. One of the most important things at a time of guidance is light. Seeing is always better with the light on. In life we can wrestle with purpose and meaning, answers and he reason for why things are happening. Jesus is light! At life church we are here to help people gain exposure to the light of God, in tunr this helps people see clealry their reason for being. Why not join us on our Christiainity Explored course? Join with others on an exploration of Life on our Christianity Explored course. 15/5/25 @ Life Church Bollington For more info contact Content provided by Christianity Explored Ministries. Find answers to challenging questions and hear how others have explored Christianity at ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

Life Church
As you look at the image, what do you see?Explore - to search and discover (about something) to think or talk about something in order to find out more about itIn 2025 it is time for you to explore, to join others on a journey of discovery in to the meaning and purpose of your life. Exploration requires bravery and determination.Join with others on an exploration of Life on our Christianity Explored course. 15/5/25 @ Life Church provided by Christianity Explored Ministries. Find answers to challenging questions and hear how others have explored Christianity at ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

Life Church
At Life Church we are here to help with the big issues and spiritual questions people may have. In May this year we will be running a 7 week short introduction to explore Christianity. Maybe you have a real interest but don't know where to start. We are here to help you begin the most important journey of your life - the journey of faith.The message at the heart of Christianity is pretty simple. Find out what it's all about on this two-minute video. Turn your speakers on! Scroll to the bottom of the page to find details of how to ask any questions you may have.Christianity is about Jesus. But who is Jesus?Jesus once asked his followers this question:Who do you say I am?A prophet with a new teaching?A healer to the sick?A saviour to a lost world?Jesus claimed each of these, but most importantly, he claimed to be God in the flesh.At the dawn of time he ignited human history when he spoke. He breathed life into the lungs of the first man and woman - and every inch of creation itself.But we rebelled. We turned against our King and followed our own ways, even though it would cost us our life. Our sin poisoned his perfect creation, giving way to sickness, injustice, and death.Sin separated us from one another, and from God.Why did Jesus come?But rather than cast off humanity, God sent his Son Jesus to enter into the world he Created - the one broken by our sin. He breathed our air, became human like us.He lived a perfect life - the one God intended we live - and called us to repent of our sin and follow him in faith. Some believed his word and recognised him as King. Others denied him. They crowned him with thorns and murdered him. They rejected him, and so have we.But God had a plan. Jesus willingly gave himself up to die on a cross to save us from God's judgment and the death we deserve.On that cross, he exchanged our rebellion for his obedience. Our brokenness for his perfection.The Son of God died so we could live.And on the third day, he rose to life again, defeating death forever.And now, he sits on the throne of heaven, offering life through the Holy Spirit to all those who repent and trust in him.What does it mean for us?Jesus is the King of Kings.You can either crown him or crucify him. There is no middle ground.No one will ever ask you a more important question than the one Jesus asked:Who do you say I am?Please contact us and we will be happy to address any questions you have about the Christian faith. If you would like to explore further, please join us at our next Christianity Explored course.At Life Church Bollington15th May 257pm Content provided by Christianity Explored Ministries. Find answers to challenging questions and hear how others have explored Christianity at ... See MoreSee Less
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